Hey folks,
Our theme this week at Madison+Main was “As Seen on TV,” coming off a big weekend at Vintage Virginia and through a week where new TV spots, PSAs and new TV production opportunities dominated conversation at the corner of 1st and Cary.
We’ll be showcasing a lot of this new TV work at our June Media Mixer on Wednesday the 18th atCasa del Barco. Be sure to RSVP for this month’s media mixer by clicking HERE.
Or you can simply email LindseyD@madisonmain.com to be added to our Media Mixer email invite list.
It was a busy, yet productive, week at Madison+Main and it seemed “all hands were on deck.”
Monday (6/2) – On Monday we were joined by George Mason University Junior Erin White who shadowed Marketing Communications Executive Sarah Dawes Murphy. At our Monday morning meeting, we were wowed by four stellar intern nickname presentations. I am pleased to announce that the team has picked winning nicknames for this summer’s gang:
Kaity “Seabass” Byrum
Riley “Bro Shea” O’Shea
Elizabeth “Shrimp Toast” Samardge
Sam “The Sweetest Kid” Edwards
On Monday afternoon we jumped over to SkyZone Richmond to shoot their latest TV and web ad. It was a long production day (1pm to 9pm), but we were happy that Seabass, Bro Shea,Shrimp Toast, and The Sweetest Kid were able to help out on the shoot. Special thanks, as always, to Noah, Hal, and Nick from Broadscope Media for producing an excellent spot. Also thanks to all the kids who did a great job in the SkyZone shoot; my son Jack, Danny and Griffin “Cutest Boys in the World” Moon, Alyssa Taylor, Alyssia and Sophia Jimenez, Braedon Moats, Brayden Taylor, Amy and Christopher Amitrano, my neighbors Emily, Sydney and Jenna Lopez, Gavin Barfield, Jordan and Tyler Benesek, Kyle Price, Isabella and Nick Vafiadis, Kendall Reed, and of course the star of the show, Darius Reed. And wouldn’t have been a TV commercial at all unless Jovan Coker, my brother from another mother, had not showed up to play “The Dad.”

Two of the biggest kids you’ll ever meet, Noah and Hal, in the foam pit at SkyZone
Tuesday (6/3) – On Tuesday Morning, I was honored to speak to Chesterfield County Chamber members at “Coffee Talk” about the marketing and business development advantages of LinkedIn. I learned a lot from my panel colleagues Peter Larsen from Cobb Technologies, Anne Moss Rogers from Impression Marketing, and Joe Elias at LittleBig. I am told that video highlights will be on the Chesterfield Chamber’s YouTube channel very soon.
On Tuesday afternoon we worked on finishing up our first TV spot for Village Bank and will have it ready to debut later this month. Trust me, it’s worth the wait.
Wednesday (6/4) – Wednesday I started my day at Whitten Brothers Jeep, getting “THE BEAST” inspected and a tail light fixed, but thanks to their lightning-fast service department I was back at work and only 30 minutes late.
On Wednesday afternoon Sarah, Art Director Geoff Glisson and Bro Shea were on set atChesterfield County Fire Station #16 filming a public service announcement (PSA) for our clients at the Lightning Protection Institute. Preliminary reports indicate the TV spot will be “spot on.”

Michael and Victor from NBC12 Productions working on the LPI PSA PDQ
Thursday (6/5) – Following a rambunctious Insiders Club meeting at the Commonwealth Club Thursday morning, I jumped in the car and high tailed it to Virginia Beach to meet with old friend — and new client — Taylor Malbon, Marketing Director at The Yacht Club at Marina Shores. It was good to see T and we are very excited about the TV spots we’ll be producing for them.
On the way back I was delayed more than an hour, which meant I had to phone in to a meeting with our friends at Village Bank. Normally I get very angry in traffic, but yesterday I was quite calm, since my delay was caused by a slow procession of over 1,500 law enforcement officers who were memorializing slain Norfolk police officer Brian Jones. I am always amazed and humbled by the brotherhood of those who work in law enforcement.
Friday (6/6) – I am also humbled by those who serve our nation. Today I am thinking about those who marched onto French beaches 70 years ago, including my great uncle Wade Saunders. Wade was a 2nd Lieutenant who drove his small M3 Stuart Tank onto the beaches at Normandy, across France, across the Rhine, and into Berlin 330 days later. The war ended a week later.
This morning we worked on some new concepts for our friends at Howell’s Heating and Air and Lindsey uploaded First Bank‘s latest TV spot entitled “Retirement Planning.”

Click on the image above to watch our new spot for First Bank
Special thanks to my friend and photographer Dawn Hobbs of OH Shoot! Photography who snapped some great pictures of Jack this week. The only problem is that he looks so grown up. Speaking of which, I just realized that my daughter Hattie is half way through high school today and I cannot afford the colleges she is currently looking at.
This weekend marks the 2nd Annual Bacon Festival which will be held at 17th Street Farmer’s Market on Sunday. The forecast? Mostly sunny, 93 degrees and a 60% chance of heart disease. Bon appetit.
Never let them see you sweat,

David Saunders
President & Chief Idea Officer
PS: I am often asked “how do you manage to write this email every week?”
My answer? “I have a secret weapon; Sarah Dawes Murphy.”
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