The holiday season so far at Madison+Main has been more Go Go Go than Ho Ho Ho; we’ve been busier than a one-armed lumberjack. I find it amusing that so many things have to end by December 31st… and so many other things must begin on January 1st. Ahh, marketing.
Monday (12/9) – Last Monday, I conducted most of my business by iPhone, as I traveled to meet with new clients in Roanoke, Virginia. Since VP of Brand Strategy Kara Forbis opened up our new office in Blacksburg, Virginia, we have enrolled four new clients in the Western part of the State. Every time I make a visit West, I am completely impressed by how much new business activity is going on in Roanoke, Lynchburg and the New River Valley.
Of course, no trip West would be complete without a visit to my favorite Greasy Spoon: The Texas Inn, a Lynchburg tradition and home of the Cheesy Western. I bought a sack full.
Tuesday (12/10) – On Tuesday morning, it was my privilege to introduce Danna Geisler, new President of the Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce, to my fellow members of the Midlothian Rotary Club. Danna “wowed the crowd” in her talk about pressing business issues, such as workforce development, transportation and regional cooperation. The club was very impressed with her, and we made sure to give her an application for membership at the end of her presentation.
Later that morning we had a creative campaign presentation for The Money Mom and I finished off the day by attending two holiday parties, including one with my fellow Insider’s at Willow Oaks Country Club. It’s time to break out the holiday ties and tacky Christmas sweaters. Yeah baby.
Wednesday (12/11) – On Wednesday, I attended the last Chesterfield Chamber luncheon at Meadowbrook Country Club (the Chamber is moving to the Sheraton on Midlothian Turnpike in 2014) and we gave thanks to McGuire Wood’s very own “dirt lawyer” Brennen Keene for his valiant leadership as President this past year.
We met with a potential client on Hump Day and worked on several press releases in the afternoon, including one for Richard Bland College, who has a MAJOR media announcement next week… stay tuned.
Also on Wednesday, Samantha Levine – my style consultant from Tom James – stopped by with some new duds and a “Christmas jacket.” The guys and gals around the office said it made me look like Ron Burgundy.
Account Executive Sammy Yatco tries on Dave’s “Ron Burgundy” jacket.
Thursday (12/12) – On Thursday morning, I presided over the Lucy Corr Foundation board meeting. Look, somebody had to be Chairman and no one else volunteered. Seriously, I do enjoy LCF meetings because I see so many friendly faces and they treat me to breakfast. The Lucy Corr Foundation supports services and programs that enhance the lives of the elderly in Central Virginia. Learn more about this great organization here.
We had some great calls and meetings on Thursday and it appears we will be announcing several new client relationships at the beginning of the year, and for that I am very thankful.
There’s no better way to cap off a busy day than yelling at a bunch of sixth grade basketball players and blowing off steam by blowing a coach’s whistle. It’s good therapy, I highly recommend it. Thursday night, I was back coaching the nine talented but slightly rambunctious Smith Shark basketball boys.
Friday (12/13) – Graphic Designer Colleen Festa was out of the office all day and I truly missed her, but what the heck, she works hard and deserves at least one day off a year. Friday was that day.
Thanks to the Richmond Dental Society for inviting me to speak to their austere body at Independence Golf Club this morning. We talked about brand, marketing, convergence, web 4.0 and really bad dentist logos. (Reminder, if you need a speaker for your civic, community or business group you can call Lindsey Durfee at 521-4141 and book me. I’m cheap.
Friday as we said farewell to a dynamic group of young people, our interns this semester, we send a heartfelt thanks out to Dustin Hennessy, Shay Kazi, Marie Sicola and Taylor Thornton. What did they learn this semester? 1) The ad business is tougher than it looks and 2) Dave likes Diet Cokes.
Remember, there are only 8 more shopping days until Christmas. Hurry, offer ends soon. See website for details. Offer not valid in Alaska or Hawaii.
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