Review Category : Weekly Report

Madison+Main Weekly Report 8/8/14: Football!!!

Hey folks,

It was a fun, yet exhausting week at Madison+Main, as we celebrated the return of football. The Redskins invited Brady’s Boys aka the New England Patriots to RVA, but more importantly, the Alberta Smith Sharks began preseason conditioning. All of this meant, I spent a lot of time on the gridiron this week.

This also means I was smiling a lot, since I’ve had nothing to smile about since February 2nd, when football ended. 2-4-6-8 who do we appreciate? OUR CLIENTS!

Monday, August 4th: On Monday we had very productive Creative Concept sessions for Village Bank and Yard Works, and met with Susan and Suzanne at Virginia ENT in the afternoon. Jessica joined me and introduced herself to the VA ENT team, and we worked on a 4th quarter marketing plan for the good docs at Virginia ENT. The practice is also home to Total Hearing Care, Central Virginia’s leading group of audiologists. My grandpa had a hearing aid. My dad has had five sets of hearing aids (the dog keeps eating them) and someday–soon–I’ll need a hearing aid too. And I can guarantee that I’ll be visiting the Total Hearing Care center at Virginia ENT. Seriously folks I’m not buying my hearing aid at Costco.

… to read the full article, follow this link.

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Madison+Main Weekly Report 8/1/14: Turn The Page

Hey folks,

Even though it’s only the first day of August, it seems marketers are ready to turn the page on summer. I don’t mind “back to school” sales or “end of summer” events, but when Costco starts selling Christmas decorations in July, I just have to shake my head in disbelief. Listen to me, folks. There is no need to get depressed. Summer isn’t over until September 22nd, and you’ve got five weeks before the kids go back to school. However, this summer’s group of interns has started to disband. But they left us with a video masterpiece.

Monday, July 28th: On Monday morning, the interns unveiled “Bold-y,” this semester’s hilarious video project. Without further adieu, I present Lizzy “Shrimp Toast” Samardge,Riley “Bro’Shea” O’SheaSam “The Sweetest Kid” Edwards and Kaity “Sea Bass” Byrum.

Bold Brands Win, Baby.
Bold Brands Win, Baby.

…to read the full article, follow this link.

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Madison+Main Weekly Report 7/25/14: New Places, New Faces

Hey folks,

I’m back to writing the M+M Report this week, even though many of you wrote me while I was on vacation and told me how much you enjoyed last week’s report written by the Main-iacs. Yes, it was all very tongue in cheek, but I need to set the record straight: we did not paint the building pink, nor did zombies attack us, and Account Manager Sammy Yatco doesn’t play basketball for VCU.

I am sad to report, however, that Sammy’s boyfriend Andrew got a job in Ohio and Sammy was drafted by the Cleveland Cavaliers in the third round of the recent NBA draft. Best of luck to Sammy in her new career: pro basketball. The good news is we welcomed some new faces at Madison+Main this week, plus I got to see some new places last week on my trip to Ireland and the Isle of Man (see a quick video from my trip here).

Aha, I found my theme for the week: New Places and New Faces…

Monday, July 21st: My Monday started very early. I arrived at the Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport at 12:30am (via Newark via Belfast via Douglas on the Isle of Man.) It took me 25 hours to get home, but I was back in the office at 8:00am and barely functioning on 4 ½ hours of sleep. Most normal people would have taken the day off, but I wanted to personally welcome Casey Severinghaus and Jessica Black to the Madison+Main family (yep, we had two new Madison+Main-iacs start this week and I’ll be introducing them to you more formally next week).

…to read the full article, follow this link.

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Madison+Main Weekly Report 7/11/14: In a Land Far, Far Away

Hey folks,

Once upon a time, the hardworking people at Madison+Main got to take a vacation. They traveled near and far, they traveled through exotic locales. Molly left for Costa Rica with her home-again hero LeeColleen is visiting New York City and I spent an afternoon in Hopewell.

Just kidding.

I’m flying out Saturday to meet up with Sue and the kids on the Isle of Man (Sue is from this tiny island in the middle of the North Irish Sea, and unfortunately it’s a 25 hour journey from everywhere on earth.) Woo-hoo, I get to spend my vacation with my In-laws…it’s a good thing my In-laws are VERY cool. On Saturday I fly from Williamsburg to Newark, from Newark to Belfast, hop on a ferry from Belfast to Douglas, then take a 45-minute cab ride to Sue’s hometown of Ramsey.

Despite vacations and summer travels, the Madison+Main-iacs got a ton of work done this week.

…to read the full article, follow this link.

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Madison+Main Weekly Report 6/27/14: Priorities

Hey folks,

It was a busy week at Madison+Main, and for once I felt like my priorities were in order (this week’s theme of “Priorities” is brought to you by my friend Greg McQuade of Channel 6. Greg is one of the most positive people I know and inspires people constantly.) Keeping a good work-life balance is important, and I preach this to friends, family and colleagues. This week, I took some of my own advice.

Last Saturday I worked half a day. I hate working Saturdays. I never ask my team to work on weekends. I made up for it on Sunday with my parents in town and a family reunion (I find it ironic that my family would schedule a reunion on the longest day of the year.)

So this week, we tried to put a little more “life” in the “work-life balance.” And with Richmond coming in as the #5 Least Stressed Out City in America, it’s nice to see that much of the city has the same idea.

Monday, June 23:  On Monday I showed up on time at the office instead of an hour early and VP of Brand Strategy Kara Forbis got an extra half hour of family time each day this week by taking her daughter to soccer camp.

At the Monday Morning Meeting we welcomed Bentley Logue and Liza McGraw from St. Catherine‘s who decided to spend a week with us. I can imagine how the “How Did I Spend My Summer Vacation” assignment started… “We had to spend a week with a bunch of really weird people in downtown Richmond. It was like an ad agency or something, I don’t know.”

We had a very productive meeting with the leadership team at Commonwealth Autism Services on Monday, where we presented our brand and marketing report and showed them our designs for their new brand. They liked three out of four designs, which means we’re batting .750 for the month of June. #allstarnumbers

Geoff Glisson got in the spirit of the work-life balance discussion and left the office early Monday to cheer on his wife’s favorite team, Brazil. The rest of us closed down the office an hour early and popped in to the brand new studios of Overcoast Media for a quick tour and a slow cocktail.

Tuesday, June 24: On Tuesday we invited Steven Robertson of Blanchard’s Coffee to the office to meet with A #1 Client, Lauryn Adams from Village Bank, and we put together the framework for a new cross marketing plan for these two awesome local brands.

On Tuesday night, the advertising, marketing and PR worlds collided at SummerFest at theVirginia War Memorial. The Richmond Ad ClubAmerican Marketing Association(Richmond Chapter) and the local Public Relations Society of America chapter held a joint social event, and since we’re members of all three, the entire team of Madison+Main-iacs attended. It was a fun event, but in hindsight I should have dropped by Foxcroft to cheer onHattie and Jack and the rest of the Bayhill Point Torpedoes. (When in doubt, go support your kids.)  🙂


Lindsey Durfee pals around with friends at SummerFest

Wednesday, June 25: On Wednesday I took a break from the hustle and bustle at Madison+Main to drop by Lucy Corr Village to perform some duties for the Lucy Corr Foundation. We hosted representatives from the Community Foundation and gave them a tour of the free dental clinic created at LCV. Fingers crossed, I think they’re making a generous donation to help keep the clinic up and running and helping folks in Central Virginia.

Three mysterious business people dropped by the office Wednesday afternoon and we worked on our top-secret project that I mentioned last week. They begged me not to “spill the beans” in the Weekly Report. All I can say is BIG news is coming and it’s going to be delicious.

On Wednesday night Sue and the kids and I did something totally out of character, but completely wonderful. We stayed in, turned off our phones and cooked burgers on the grill. It was the best night of the summer so far.

Thursday, June 26: On Thursday morning I dropped by one of my favorite places, Can-Can Brasserie, to have a cup of coffee with Susan Craven Johnson, owner of WKH Solutions. Susan and I had a very productive meeting and we look forward to sending some business back and forth between our two companies. On another note, I’ve always loved the coffee at Can Can, and this week I learned why. It’s Blanchard’s.

Yesterday afternoon, we launched the world premiere of Sky Zone Richmond’s new online video spot, “Best. Birthday. Ever.” The video was brilliantly shot by Hal Dowdy and Noah Pearcy from Broadscope Media and features a ton of kids from my neighborhood, including “the star,” Darius Reed, the precocious 10-year-old son of friend and copywriter Michelle Reed. Check out the video below, and if it doesn’t make you smile, I’ll give you a full refund.


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Best. Birthday. Ever.

Last night, Lorenzo Hall of WTVR CBS6 dropped by to interview me about the CDC’s provocative TV campaign. If you missed the story at 11pm, click here to watch.

Friday, June 27: I decided to take my own advice this morning and drive to Williamsburg to meet the family at Great Wolf Lodge

Molly said it was okay. And Sarah promised to do all of my work, including finishing this email.

Next week’s report will probably have a picture of me busting my butt on the wave machine. But to hold you over until then, have you seen Graphic Designer Colleen Festa‘s Friday Vine jokes yet?

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David Saunders
President & Chief Idea Officer


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Madison+Main Weekly Report 6/20/14: Beating the Heat

Hey folks,

The San Antonio Spurs weren’t the only ones that were beating the Heat this week. At Madison+Main we locked ourselves in, rarely ventured outside and soaked up the deliciously abundant air conditioning provided by our friends at Howell’s Heating and Air. (Howell’s is a long-time client and provided our new HVAC system at 1st & Cary.) The weather outside? Upper 90s. The weather inside? Sunny and 70.

Monday, June 15:  I squeezed one more day out of the weekend and goofed off with my son Jack in the OBX. Monday highlights included driving on the beach in “The Beast,” catching some blues and sea mullet, flopping in the waves at Oregon Inlet and watching the US beat Ghana at Captain George’s in Kill Devil Hills. What’s more American than watching team USA at an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet? Answer: USA flag wet naps.


Meanwhile back at the office, Lindsey Durfee informed me that “nothing really happened.”

 Tuesday, June 16: On Tuesday I paid for my long weekend by putting in a 15-hour day. 7th district Republican candidate for Congress Dave Brat made his first public appearance at the Midlothian Rotary and at the office we worked on a ton of mid-year media plans for clients like SkyZoneLucy Corr Village, and Davis & Green Electrical.

At lunch, we tried out American Tap Room at Willow Lawn and had a great meeting with theGreen Top brain trust, GM Jimmy Hyman and Marketing Director Bob Strepka. In case you’re wondering…Bob and I had the chicken and waffles. #mmmmm Green Top is one of my all-time favorite stores and I always checkout the fishing report before I go fishing. Check it out here.

On Tuesday evening, we attended Village Bank‘s company-wide meeting at the Cultural Arts Center of Glen Allen, where we unveiled their new TV spot. Everyone told me they liked it and those in attendance applauded loudly, even though the IT guy played the ad three times in a row.

Wednesday, June 17: On Wednesday morning the Village Bank TV spot hit the airwaves. Let us know what you think of this “People-Powered” commercial.

Click on the image above to view our new spot for Village Bank
Village Bank always puts its customers first…and sometimes they put them in their TV ads

Wednesday morning was a blur of activity but I managed to escape for an hour and had lunch with Richmond Times-Dispatch publisher (and avid Weekly Report reader) Tom Silvestri. It’s always fun to get together with Tom and we realized it had been quite some time since our last lunch. We swapped some fun stories, but I can only share one with you. The last time Tom and I had lunch a couple years ago, we walked out of Chez Foushee, shook hands and both looked up at a Google car that was taking our picture. #streetview

On Wednesday evening we hosted our monthly Media Mixer at Casa Del Barco. It was a great time and a big turn out, considering even long-time Richmonders don’t know how to find the place. Seriously, the folks at Casa Del Barco were very hospitable, the food was amazeballs and we were all impressed by the quality and quantity of their tequilas.

Thursday, June 18: On Thursday I spent most of the day working on a top secret project. Hopefully I will have a BIG announcement next week regarding this new RVA client. We have spent a few months putting this together and believe this project will make news coast to coast.

Last night we were torn between eating hibachi or souvlaki…because Japan played Greece to a scoreless tie in the World Cup. Our compromise? Ribs, wings, and cornbread at Glory Days. FYI: There is no such thing as a boneless chicken wing. It’s called a CHICKEN NUGGET.

Boneless chicken wings at Glory Days are also known as CHICKEN NUGGETS

Friday, June 19: The building shook twice today; first between 9am and 11am as construction crews continued to tear up the corner of 1st and Cary…for the third straight month. I believe the guys are taking a lot longer to get this job done because they enjoy watching and chatting with all of the lovely ladies on our block.

Construction crews pounding the pavement in front of our building

The earth shook again at noon when Dave Brat dropped by the office. The closest I ever got to his predecessor Mr. Cantor was a letter congratulating us on being GRCC Business of the Year. My impressions of Professor Brat? I thought he was a really good guy, a smart guy, and a lot more accessible and down-to-earth than I imagined. (There are real people in politics?) I don’t venture into politics, usually. As far as business is concerned I like Democrats and Republicans, but I’m a member of the Green Party. #MoMoney

Dave and Dave

I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony…

David Saunders
President & Chief Idea Officer
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Madison+Main Weekly Report 6/13/14: Better Luck Next TIme

Hey folks,

It’s Friday the 13th and there will be a full moon tonight. I’m feeling as unlucky as the U.S. Soccer team, who drew global futbol powerhouses Ghana, Germany, and Portugal in Group G for the 2014 World Cup. Better luck next time!

We tried to ward off the evil spirits this week by keeping our heads down and our noses clean. We also bought a rabbits foot and searched for four leaf clovers at Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens. As a reminder, Butterflies Live runs all summer. Click here for tickets.

I’m normally an optimist, you know, a glass-is-half-full kinda guy, but we seem to have more bad luck than good luck this week. Oh well, there was good stuff too. (And you don’t want to hear about the bad stuff, do ya? Nah, I didn’t think so.)

Monday (6/9) – On Monday we soft-launched our new website, Big thanks to our spectacular design team Geoff “GOOOOOAL” GlissonColleen “Count” Festa,Kaity “Seabass” Byrum, and programmer “Jammin'” Jeff Johnson. Take a look and let us know what you think…but just remember it’s “A SOFT LAUNCH,” which means the website “IS NOT FINISHED,” so don’t tease us if you “FIND A MISTAKE.”

Also on Monday Sarah Murphy took a late lunch. I don’t know why I felt the need to tell you that, but it was on my calendar. Early reports indicated she had a salad with Green Goddess dressing.

On Monday night I surprised my fellow board members at the Midlothian Rotary Club by actually showing up a Board Meeting. I managed to line up an impressive array of July speakers, including Debra Marlow, Community Relations Director at Lucy Corr Village;Christine Holland, Learning Institute Coordinator for Commonwealth Autism ServicesJay Stegmaier, Chesterfield County Administrator; Bill Foster, CEO of Village Bank.


Green Top GM and fellow Rotarian Jimmy Hyman checks his iPhone at the “Bored” Meeting

Tuesday (6/10) – On Tuesday my bad luck streak continued when I showed up atStonehenge Country Club prepared to speak to the Southport Business Association—and learned that the meeting had been postponed one week. The empty banquet hall was my first clue.

But I bounced back and we participated in a pre-proposal conference for the Virginia Department of Health,and packed the afternoon with internal Creative Concept sessions.

Wednesday (6/11) – On Wednesday I had a very productive meeting with my fellow members of the Virginia Council of CEOs and we had a chance to chat with Stephanie Ford andScott Warren from Warren Whitney one of the premier management consulting firms in Richmond. Stephanie and Scott had great information and were nice enough to share it with our group.

We hosted the lovely and talented Lauryn Adams from Village Bank Wednesday afternoon and worked through a dozen items on our big ‘to do list.’ The bank has invited me to help unveil their new marketing campaign, their brand new TV ad, next Tuesday night at the Cultural Arts Center in Glen Allen. I love those guys they treat us like Rock Stars.


I saw this Ad for my friend and Allstate Agent Gin Brockwell this week. 
I’ve never put my face on a bench ad…too afraid the wrong person will sit on it.

Thursday (6/12) – On Thursday morning I presided over a meeting of the Lucy Corr Foundation. I am on a lot of non-profit boards, but I am only chairman of one. Perhaps it’s because I have no idea how Roberts Rules of Order work. It’s been a good year for LCF and we’ve raised money and awareness of this great organization. We are looking for two dynamic professionals, who care about the elderly and their access to continuing care, retirement housing and services. Contributions to the foundation help offset the more than $2 million worth of benevolent care Lucy Corr Village provides each year.  Contact me if you are interested in helping the foundation or visit

At lunch on Thursday we were treated to a special performance by country music star Julie Roberts. Julie was our keynote speaker at the National MS Society’s Women on the Move Luncheon. The event recognized CJW COO Tracy Kemp Stallings as the 2014 Woman on the Move and raised a big chunk of change to help those living with MS. Madison+Main and our client CowanGates were both gold sponsors of the event.


Country Star Julie Roberts reminded me that
I was country, when country wasn’t cool

On Thursday night the new brand we created for the Chesterfield Chamber was approved unanimously and ta-da here it is!


FYI: save the date for September 13th, because the Chesterfield Chamber will host a mega craft beer festival at Westchester Commons and I know how much you people love your beer. 🙂

Friday (6/13) – My luck has been so bad recently I only worked half a day, but thanks to technology and the fast flying fingers of Kaity “Seabass” Byrum I was able to dispatch my weekly email to you as I drove south to OBX.

But before I left, we had a great meeting with the team at Embrace Richmond. Special thanks to friend Don Reich who made the introduction. Embrace Richmond is making our city a better place, one neighborhood at a time and I encourage you to check them out

I just checked the weather forecast in the Outer Banks and there is a 30% chance of thunderstorms, which means there is a 70% chance I am going to get wet, with my luck. Ironically, we launched a national public service announcement (PSA) today for our friends at the Lightning Protection Institute. Click here to see the link.

When thunder roars, go indoors,



David Saunders
President & Chief Idea Officer

PS: My prediction for Monday night: USA 2, Ghana 1. #Murica

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Madison+Main Weekly Report 6/6/14: As Seen On TV

Hey folks,

Our theme this week at Madison+Main was “As Seen on TV,” coming off a big weekend at Vintage Virginia and through a week where new TV spots, PSAs and new TV production opportunities dominated conversation at the corner of 1st and Cary.

We’ll be showcasing a lot of this new TV work at our June Media Mixer on Wednesday the 18th atCasa del Barco. Be sure to RSVP for this month’s media mixer by clicking  HERE.

Or you can simply email to be added to our Media Mixer email invite list.

It was a busy, yet productive, week at Madison+Main and it seemed “all hands were on deck.”

Monday (6/2) – On Monday we were joined by George Mason University Junior Erin White who shadowed Marketing Communications Executive Sarah Dawes Murphy. At our Monday morning meeting, we were wowed by four stellar intern nickname presentations. I am pleased to announce that the team has picked winning nicknames for this summer’s gang:

Kaity “Seabass” Byrum
Riley “Bro Shea” O’Shea
Elizabeth “Shrimp Toast” Samardge
Sam “The Sweetest Kid” Edwards 

On Monday afternoon we jumped over to SkyZone Richmond to shoot their latest TV and web ad. It was a long production day (1pm to 9pm), but we were happy that SeabassBro Shea,Shrimp Toast, and The Sweetest Kid were able to help out on the shoot. Special thanks, as always, to NoahHal, and Nick from Broadscope Media for producing an excellent spot. Also thanks to all the kids who did a great job in the SkyZone shoot; my son Jack, Danny and Griffin “Cutest Boys in the World” Moon, Alyssa Taylor, Alyssia and Sophia Jimenez, Braedon Moats, Brayden Taylor, Amy and Christopher Amitrano, my neighbors Emily, Sydney and Jenna Lopez, Gavin Barfield, Jordan and Tyler Benesek, Kyle Price, Isabella and Nick Vafiadis, Kendall Reed, and of course the star of the show, Darius Reed. And wouldn’t have been a TV commercial at all unless Jovan Coker, my brother from another mother, had not showed up to play “The Dad.”


Two of the biggest kids you’ll ever meet, Noah and Hal, in the foam pit at SkyZone


Tuesday (6/3) – On Tuesday Morning, I was honored to speak to Chesterfield County Chamber members at “Coffee Talk” about the marketing and business development advantages of LinkedIn. I learned a lot from my panel colleagues Peter Larsen from Cobb Technologies, Anne Moss Rogers from Impression Marketing, and Joe Elias at LittleBig. I am told that video highlights will be on the Chesterfield Chamber’s YouTube channel very soon.

On Tuesday afternoon we worked on finishing up our first TV spot for Village Bank and will have it ready to debut later this month. Trust me, it’s worth the wait.

Wednesday (6/4) – Wednesday I started my day at Whitten Brothers Jeep, getting “THE BEAST” inspected and a tail light fixed, but thanks to their lightning-fast service department I was back at work and only 30 minutes late.

On Wednesday afternoon Sarah, Art Director Geoff Glisson and Bro Shea were on set atChesterfield County Fire Station #16 filming a public service announcement (PSA) for our clients at the Lightning Protection Institute. Preliminary reports indicate the TV spot will be “spot on.”


Michael and Victor from NBC12 Productions working on the LPI PSA PDQ

Thursday (6/5) – Following a rambunctious Insiders Club meeting at the Commonwealth Club Thursday morning, I jumped in the car and high tailed it to Virginia Beach to meet with old friend — and new client — Taylor Malbon, Marketing Director at The Yacht Club at Marina Shores. It was good to see T and we are very excited about the TV spots we’ll be producing for them.

On the way back I was delayed more than an hour, which meant I had to phone in to a meeting with our friends at Village Bank. Normally I get very angry in traffic, but yesterday I was quite calm, since my delay was caused by a slow procession of over 1,500 law enforcement officers who were memorializing slain Norfolk police officer Brian Jones. I am always amazed and humbled by the brotherhood of those who work in law enforcement.

Friday (6/6) – I am also humbled by those who serve our nation. Today I am thinking about those who marched onto French beaches 70 years ago, including my great uncle Wade Saunders. Wade was a 2nd Lieutenant who drove his small M3 Stuart Tank onto the beaches at Normandy, across France, across the Rhine, and into Berlin 330 days later. The war ended a week later.

This morning we worked on some new concepts for our friends at Howell’s Heating and Air and Lindsey uploaded First Bank‘s latest TV spot entitled “Retirement Planning.”

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Click on the image above to watch our new spot for First Bank


Special thanks to my friend and photographer Dawn Hobbs of OH Shoot! Photography who snapped some great pictures of Jack this week. The only problem is that he looks so grown up. Speaking of which, I just realized that my daughter Hattie is half way through high school today and I cannot afford the colleges she is currently looking at.

This weekend marks the 2nd Annual Bacon Festival which will be held at 17th Street Farmer’s Market on Sunday. The forecast? Mostly sunny, 93 degrees and a 60% chance of heart disease. Bon appetit.

Never let them see you sweat,


David Saunders
President & Chief Idea Officer


PS: I am often asked “how do you manage to write this email every week?”

My answer? “I have a secret weapon; Sarah Dawes Murphy.”

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Madison+Main Weekly Report 5/30/14: Short & Sweet

Hey folks,

With a Monday holiday, the week at Madison+Main was short and sweet; just like Sammy Yatco, our superstar Account Manager who was on vacation in OBX this week. And boy, did we miss her.

This week’s email is going to be short and sweet as well, because there’s too much to do today and not enough hours. You’ve heard that before, right? #Davejavu

Monday (5/26) – On Memorial Day morning, I woke up early in the Hidden Valley Recreational Area sore, but smiling. After four straight days of fishing, camp fires and sleeping on the ground, Jack and I were ready to come home. As a special treat, Sue decided that we should eat hamburgers and hot dogs for Memorial Day. The EXACT same thing we’d been eating for the last four days. But hey, at least I caught a 4.5lb trout.


 My son Jack holding the big brown trout I caught last weekend in Bath County

Tuesday (5/27) – On Tuesday morning I was back at work, and back in the studio recording a new radio spot for our friends at Vera’s Fine Jewelers. It hits RVA airwaves next week on Rock 96.5. Click here for a sneak peak.

Wednesday (5/28) – Wednesday was busy and productive, and we’re happy to announce thatCommonwealth Autism Services has just signed Madison+Main to develop its new brand and a subsequent marketing and PR campaign. They are super nice folks and we’re happy to help support their mission.

During our pre-production meeting with the brains and brawn behind Broadscope Media(Noah and Hal), we were happy to welcome Will Phillips from SkyZone Richmond. We’re shooting a video Monday at their Midlothian location, complete with two dozen of the luckiest kids in Richmond. We’re very excited about the concept.

In the nightcap, Jr. Designer Kaity Byrum and I were hosted and toasted at the Flying Squirrels game by Katie Bonner and the crew at Clear Channel radio. The game got rained out, but Kaity got a picture with Nutzy and I snapped a selfie with the king of Richmond radio and the voice of the Flying Squirrels, Jimmy Barrett.


Thursday (5/29) – On Thursday morning I participated in an early morning MS Societyconference call, which reminded me to let you know the MS Society’s Bay to Blue Ridge ride is this weekend and RVA’s Bike MS, slated for the weekend of September 6th. Click here to register for one of the bike events and let’s raise some money for MS.

Thursday turned into “Thirsty Thursday” as we hosted our friends from Village Bank in the afternoon with mojitos and attended a VIP reception at Rock Bottom Brewery in the evening. Special thanks to Brian Chandler at Commonwealth PR for inviting all of the Madison+Main-iacs. We’re glad that Maryann Hartzell of CowanGates and her husband Rob were able to join us, too.

Friday (5/30) – Instead of playing golf this afternoon at the Federal Club with our friends fromNBC12, I was at NBC12 studios working on Village Bank’s latest TV ads with the talented duo of Michael Park and Victor Nash. It was a tough call. I love golf, but I love work more. #DoWhatYouLove

t’s a busy weekend for yours truly; the kids are raising funds at Swim-a-thon tonight, and I am coaching at the Alberta Smith Shark’s football camp Saturday. Sue and I will celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary Saturday night, but I haven’t made reservations yet. Hopefully AnnMarie orAcree (both avid readers of the Weekly Report) can save me a table at Morton’s.

On Saturday, Lindsey Durfee will drag a few coworkers with her to celebrate her birthday — a quarter of a century — at Vintage Virginia, and I am traveling up Sunday to attend the wine festival, but purely for professional reasons. VIP tickets are sold out, but you can still get a general admission ticket here.

We will sell no wine before it’s time,



David Saunders

President & Chief Idea Officer


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Madison+Main Weekly Report 5/23/14: M.I.A.

Hey folks,

I am dialing in this week’s Report from the beautiful Bath County, Virginia, and more specifically, holding my iPhone at a 45 degree angle towards a cell repeating station somewhere South/Southwest of Warm Spring, Virginia on top of a peak in the George Washington National Forest. Thank goodness I have Verizon. If I still had AT&T I would have thrown myself off this cliff.

Yes, I am M.I.A., AKA “Missing in Action.” I left town in the wee morning hours to do a little fishing and camping with Jack and a few friends. M.I.A. might be the theme this week, as Lindsey was frolicking in Aruba, Kara was soaking up the sun in South Carolina and Sarah was applying the 50 block in America’s sunniest city, St. Petersburg, Florida, which gets an average of 361 days of sunshine each year. 362 on leap years.

Despite having so many talented team members M.I.A. “Down South,” we were able to bang out a lot of projects and welcome some new clients.

Monday (5/19) – I worked really hard Monday morning…for a couple of hours. Designer Kaity Byrum and I left at lunchtime to join our friends at the Village Bank Charity Golf Tournament at Brandermill. I am proud to say Madison+Main was a sponsor of the tournament and we raised a nice chunk of change for FeedMore. (Summertime is a tough time for kids in Central Virginia, especially when kids in need do not get regular school lunches in their diet. Your donation to FeedMore can really make a difference this summer.) Special thanks to Jared Crowder, Vice President at Techport Thirteen — a brand new Madison+Main client — and Bill “Long and” Foster, CEO of Village Bank who filled in as “ringers” for Team Madison+Main.


Jared, Bill and yours truly had fun at the Village Bank Charity Golf Tournament. Thanks to Kaity for taking this photo.

Tuesday (5/20) – On Tuesday, I worked with AM Kelley Miller on editing the new Village Bank TV spot. We have enough footage to make a 19 minute ad, and somehow I have to cut it down to 30 seconds. #toughjob

We were pleased to announce on Tuesday that Riverside Turf has just signed Madison+Main for some branding and marketing initiatives. The Charles City, Virginia-based company grows turf for some of the finest golf courses and collegiate and pro athletic fields in the Mid-Atlantic.

Scott Hawthorne and Tad Davis from ESPN Sports Radio 910 dropped by on Tuesday afternoon to give us all the details regarding Redskins Training Camp and other sponsorship opportunities on RVA’s top sports station. My wife Sue is British and has no idea how the game of American football is played, but even she knows the New England Patriots’ Tom Brady will be in RVA this summer and is already hounding me for tickets.

I guess I couldn’t stay away from coaching. As many of you know, Jack is not playing baseball for the first time in seven years (since he was five) and I have missed being out there. I was stopped at Martin’s last weekend by a mom of a kid I used to coach and it really sunk in when she asked me, “What time is practice this week?” and I told her, “I’m not coaching this year.” But, I’m happy to tell you that Sue talked Jack into playing for Richmond Lions Rugby, 13-U, and yours truly is back to coaching. Too bad, I don’t know how to coach rugby.

Wednesday (5/21) – The highlight of my Wednesday was seeing Jonathan and Melissa Ballof Ball Office Products. Thanks to Melissa for introducing me to Greek Grill Cafe; we had a great and productive lunch and look forward to providing more services for Ball Office Products. By the way, who do you buy your office supplies from? Staples? Quill? Why send your money to Massachusetts or Illinois? Buy local from Ball. Better stuff, better service and the price is the same. Besides, your dollars stay in RVA and Melissa gives you free cookies with every order. 🙂

Thursday (5/22) – On Thursday morning I dropped by CanCan and had coffee with my new friend Katie Lackey of The Frontier Project, and I enjoyed learning about all of the wonderful things happening in their world. I left our meeting impressed, but with two lingering questions: 1) why aren’t we working with Frontier Project, and 2) why don’t I have coffee at CanCan every morning?

In the afternoon we worked on some kick butt TV concepts for a new client down in Virginia Beach. We’ve known the Marketing Director for years, but we can’t announce who the client is just yet. #staytuned How do we get so much work done at Madison+Main? We hire elves.


Graphic Designer Colleen Festa always listens carefully to client feedback 

Friday (5/23) – This morning we left Art Director Geoff Glisson in charge because he was the only one left in the building. #justkidding Even though I skipped town early for a looong Memorial Day Weekend, the guys and gals back at work were busy. Or at least that’s what they told me.

By now you already have plans for this weekend, and I hope you have an excellent Memorial Day. Next weekend, the Madison+Main-iacs will be in Centreville for the Commonwealth’s mega wine festival, Vintage Virginia. Most of the crew is going up Saturday and I need a designated driver for Sunday…any takers? Get your tickets here and click here to see the TV ad we produced for them. (By the way, pre-sale tickets are up 300% from last year. #humblebrag)

This afternoon Sammy and Colleen sent me some photos from Virginia Women’s Center’s new experiential marketing project at Chesterfield Towne Center. Everything looks great. VWC is moving to Midlothian and we’re taking over the area’s biggest mall all summer to spread the good word about these good docs. If you drop by the mall, take a look and let me know what you think of the campaign.


A shopper doing exercises from Virginia Women’s Center’s floor graphics


Virginia Women’s Center is taking over Chesterfield Towne Center

Virginia is for lovers…of wine,


David Saunders

President & Chief Idea Officer



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